Monday, January 21, 2008

Kindred spirit

It's been a while since my last posting last year. The hiatus though was not due to anything big, not that i am bogged by work or anything. I was time and again succumbed to that ever repressive force of procrastination and 'malas'.

The year 2008 has been thus far great in the sense that quite a number of things have been 'corrected'. My relationship with my KY mates and office mates have been good albeit some hick ups here and there. My mom has been tolerating with me quite amazingly. I have started to live my life in an orderly manner and have been enrolling in a couple of language classes.

I have one thing that i need to overcome with. The fear to fly.

I just need to relinquish my courage to fly again.

I just need to fly...


shuz said...

You must believe believe you can fly, and then you can fly. Just like in the heroes series or the song, "I believe i can fly"...

Good luck ith your fear of flying

bencoolen80 said...

Thanks mate. I am sure hope so..

Mus The Great said...


bencoolen80 said...

Thanks Mus.

Youre partly responsible for this sudden urge to update blog. Thanks to your cute pillows that is. We share the same habit mate!! haha

looka80 said...

jom gi singapore...! im not scared of that 'warning' from the office lawyer. they cant eat me.. huhu.

ukanera arenaku said...

singapore??? insya-Allah, i'm going there in march with my classmates for one-week fieldtrip.