Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fais de Beaux Re^ves

or simply means "Sweet dreams.."

I learnt this from my tutor Madmoiselle Lin - a bubbly, 30 something celebataire (bujang aka dinch marrien) lady from Shah Alam.

Ever since i joint the class, my whole worldview on lifelong learning has changed drastically. I am more ready to embrace the realm of student-hood and everything alma mater has to offer. I am passinonate to learn and keep learning. I am moved by the sheer spirit to improve one-self as rightfully depicted by Haron, Mitch and several others of my good friends.

Let us learn and keep discovering.


looka80 said...

way to go dear... proud of ya. nanti leh ajar aku french. meh si buku.. (mind the spelling will ya!).

Mus The Great said...

i pun nak blajar french!!!

ukanera arenaku said...

one of the two sexist languages in the world! another one is arabic.

bencoolen80 said...

Yup thanks y'all!! true Haron.

In fact ada yg cakap these two are adik beradik. I can't agree with this notion pasal Arabic is much much more superior than the rest of other worldly languages hence the language and Quran and heaven dwellers.