Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Geli-geli & Buas-buas

Geli-geli (Cyrtosperma lasiodes) adalah tumbuhan yang digunakan untuk merawat penyakit gout, sakit buah pinggang dan herba untuk bersalin.
Buas-buas (Premma cordiflora) adalah tumbuhan yang digunakan untuk rawatan membuang angin dalam badan, membuang cacing dalam perut dan mandian ibu selepas bersalin.

The only thing that has never failed to amaze me and soothe me is perhaps, The Plant and every aspects of it. The Human on the other hand, has always been (and will always be) the subject for incessant contentions and ramblings. No doubt about it.

On this note and this sudden rush to explore, i shall embark on a journey to find the sweetest concoctions of Life made out of The Plant and The Human for my soul and ultimately the Higher Being . May Allah help me.


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