Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sweet Salty Sweat

Proud owner of these masterpieces posing with the artist

I bought these at MidValley yesterday from the "sporting artist" because the subject matter for his art piece would be all about sports and sportsmen. There is this exhibition going on there. It's cheap and it's original.
Simply inspirational. It's about time to relinquish the joy of being sweat all over again. Hmm got to find those running shoes back.


Mya said...

cantiknya lukisan tu!

bencoolen80 said...

ye. murah je RM70 satu. huhuhu.tq

Mus The Great said...

nak satu...heheh

bencoolen80 said...

boleh bile besday u?

Hafez Zahruddin said...

Thanks for your words. Actually, tak bukak lagi leisure cafe tu. Insya Allah within 3-4 years. Guna 3 phases planning - gerai kuih-muih, then cawangan kiosk, then baru kedai makan. Bulan dua ni nak jual makanan sarapan dan minum petang jek.

looka80 said...

bencoolen - now i feel really guilty for loosing dat 'green apple' painting of urs. btw, dinding umah ko tuh dah penuh ar beb! huhu...